James Corbett’s life was somewhat unremarkable, employed as a manager of a car breakers yard in Brisbane. But his spare time hobby has now evolved into World Wide recognition. Using parts solely sourced from his breakers business James crafted stunning sculptures of cars and motorbikes.
His first effort was an off-road buggy, inspired by a sport that James had enjoyed for many years.
Encouraged by friends James sought to exhibit his unique artworks and gained a commission to display his craft at the Brisbane Motor show in 1999. This was followed by an exhibition at the 2000 Formula 1 GP in Melbourne. Such was the public reaction that he gave up his full time job to concentrate on his art. Slowly his unique sculpting skills became more widely recognized and he has now exhibited throughout Australia. |
He has also had his artworks displayed at the Pebble Beach, California ‘Concours Italiano’.
Now, in truly international recognition of this clever Aussie’s special talent, he now has his own named exhibition in the UK at the John Davis Gallery in Gloucestershire and in the new year he will also be exhibiting in the CODA gallery, Palm Desert, California.
We’ve gathered some pictures of his fascinating artworks, which were initially concentrating on auto themes but he has now spread his subject matter much more widely, as you can see from some of the samples shown on this page.. |
As you look at these images let us emphasise that evry single sculpture is made exclusively from auto parts scavenged from wrecker’s yards.
To our knowledge James Corbett is the only sculptor in the World to show such unique and remarkable talent.
Perhaps the eagle eyed amongst our readers can source some of the parts used in these exquisite pieces. The full story of James Corbett and his talents can be found on his website here. |