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American Gardners Wrest Back World Record-For Lawnmowers!

Remember last May we posted a note saying that the Brits were attempting to regain the World Record for lawnmowers by breaking the hundred mile an hour barrier? Well, they did and they didn’t. They did get back the World Record, but they didn’t break 100 mph ( 160 kph).

Anyway these oddballs are at it again because America has now regained the World Record at Bonneville Flats with a run of 96 mph.

Here they are after their successful run. So this is a lot more serious than our ‘tongue in cheek’ expose in May.

Oh, and yes, they do have to cut a stretch of lawn with the same mower after the record run, but being Bonneville Flats ( a saltlake) they have to bring the grass with them!

Are Electric Cars Good for the Environment?

As a reasonable human being I do believe in the need to conserve our natural resources – especially Australia, as we actually still have some. I am sure the movie, “The Day the War Started” has a lot to be said for the world’s need to change its ways. Who wouldn’t want to invade our great land for its resources (something to think about when the new Military budget is handed out!)?

But the electric car is not the way. The cost of the infrastructure alone in a country this small in population and massive in size is overwhelming. Even if it was cost effective, the current range of an electric car is about 200 klms, if driven carefully, so it really does not stack up.

What many people forget is the electricity used to move these ‘green’ vehicles burns more fossil fuels at the power plant than a vehicle moving on petrol and diesel. This seems to be a knee jerk reaction to address complaints from the masses. Unfortunately it has worked to some degree and we are seeing a push from Manufacturers towards electric cars, like the Mitsubishi iMiev, due here soon. Did anyone mention the environmental impact of the disposal of the battery, or the massive distances by fossil fuelled transport to actually put all the components of an electric car together? It really is folly if you think the current electric cars have a positive environmental effect. Maybe they are quiet and have zero emissions when being driven, but the total lifespan impact is enormous.

We need to find an energy source that is renewable or replaceable that does not kill the Ozone layer.  Some say, not an easy task. The best answer right now would appear to be to use H2O or at least the Hydrogen component of water, something the German manufacturers are spending billions on. Or Google the’ Honda FCX Clarity’…surely a better option!

As a conspiracy theory lover, I am sure there has been many great advances over the decades to have this right now, but the power and money behind the oil industry have been able to buy it up and ‘shelve’ it every time, until now.

So the reality is right now, buy what you want considering the engine size and its registered emission levels and drive moderately. If you want some speed try for a small 4-cylunder turbo-charged car with a great exhaust system. The key here is really to do the best with what you have and don’t be swayed by the so called ‘environment friendly’ electric car.

Wordsmiths in the 'poo' again

In our ‘Motoring Myths’ quiz last month we alluded to funny translations for car names. The example we gave  ( ‘Holden’ means underpants in Swahili) was a myth. But truth is often stranger than fiction, witness Audi and their latest creation, an electric car that has been named the “e-tron”. Sounds harmless enough, unless you’re French, where it is similar in meaning to ‘merde’ – or ‘crap’. No doubt that will put the Audi wordsmiths in the vernacular!

Audi e-tron

But this is not the first time it’s happened. General Motors launched its ‘Nova” car in Latin American markets, but hastened to a name change when they found that a rough translation into Spanish means ‘Don’t Go”.

In Australia we are familiar with the Mitsubishi Pajero, and again that needed a hasty name change in Spanish markets as it’s a Spanish slang word for masturbation.

Perhaps the most embarrassing name failure was undertaken by Ford in the US when they marketed their very successful Ford ‘Pinto’  car. But it was a dismal failure in Brazil, because in Brazilian it means ‘small penis’. No wonder it flopped!

Today's Women and Shopping For Cars

To all women out there looking to buy a new car – don’t despair there is help available in many places and you have certainly landed on a site which can be one of your best allies.  Here are a few tips to survive without looking ridiculous or taking that token male with you for protection.

If you are purchasing a new car, firstly look around on the road for vehicles that grab your attention.  Spend a week or more doing this. It is very important. The best way to save time and money is to narrow your field of vision. Unlike our ‘male counterparts’ this also covers more than just’ brand’. Our female brain will automatically mutil-task and include your lifestyle, personal needs, family size and, within reason –your budget.

Next, research on-line the comparative vehicles and check that they include all the internal features you want. Yes, safety is really the most important thing, but comfort and ease of use are the best features for you to love your new car; particularly if you like to name your cars. Make sure the kids have the DVD; you have cruise control etc, etc, etc. For me it is the new proximity keys. If they are in my hand bag (anywhere) I can get in and start the car; YES!!! When it is raining and the kids are screaming, and the groceries have to still be thrown in, the one thing I can count on is my ‘Tardis’ handbag never has to open.

Don’t be too nerdy about it though. You don’t need a spread sheet, just a list.

The next thing is to call your local dealers (ask for the female sales person, if there is one) and set an appointment. They will be there JUST FOR YOU. Ask to drive the car for a while, and respectfully ask them to shut up and just answer your questions. Because the feel, vision and seat positions are what you need to work out for yourself. The best question for the sales person is to show them your list of cars and ask them, “What are the positive aspects of these other models and  in their opinion why is their car better for you ?” They will focus on that rather than you. Trying to find positive points of another brand will take some effort on their part. They may give you an insight you never thought of or, if they are clueless and self opinionated, they dont deserve your business anyway.

Next, be honest- to a point. If you do not like the car don’t dance through the pricing, Sales Managers etc. Just let them know your concerns which absolutely remove that vehicle from your list (e.g. the seat length is too short and you were uncomfortable) and thank them for their time.

But, if you do like the car give them your list of wants and needs and ask them, “to price it for you quickly, as you will shop another dealer to keep them honest”. If it is way over you budget – either remove something from the wish list, or walk away graciously to a cheaper car. There is NO shame in intelligent buying!

 Remember the cost of ownership does not always equal the cost of purchase!!! Ask for the service pricing schedule and the servicing intervals. You may be able to afford the car, but not its maintenance as well.

Lastly walk away – even for a coffee (preferably a day). Take your time. It is not a pair of jeans. If your ‘bum looks big in this car’ – you probably have to live with that for 3-10 years. And no-one wants that!!! And never ask your friends; they have opinions that are so random that it will confuse you even more (unless she works in the Motor trade).  Use a car buying service and Private Fleet, where you are right now, just happens to be Australia’s leading company to assist you with this process. They will help you with your choices and then do all of the price negotiation for you.

Buy the car YOU want, in the price range YOU can afford, that suits YOU and YOUR lifestyle. You will find the choice narrows down to only one or two vehicles; and that is a much easier choice!