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Best Ever TV Commercials

We put up a blog on our website the other day commenting on a car ad that ‘grabbed’ us.

OK, let’s confess right now, not many car ads have that effect on us. But this ad got us thinking – what are the really memorable car ads?

So we thought we’d enlist your help, we’ll start off with our three all time favourites then you can tell us what tickled your fancy.

Ad No. 1

We’ll start off with the Kia ad on the blog with track by Grandmaster Flash – a really catchy tune that we think grabs the younger set- just what Kia want.  We wrote about the Kia Ad a week or so ago.

Close to the edge

 Ad No. 2

Talking about a catchy tune, very little can beat the Mitsubishi ad that made a chart topper!

This track “You get what you give” by the New Radicals  was used as the backing track for this Mitsu commercial in 2008, and we defy you to sit still whilst you listen to it!

mitsubishi ad new radicals

Ad No 3

We admit that this is our all-time favourite, reputed to have cost well over 1.6 million dollars to produce. The Honda ‘Cog’ commercial started life on the UK Cinema and TV screens in April 2003 to advertise the Honda Accord. It immediately received a rapturous reception and was adopted world-wide by Honda. In fact it received more industry awards that any other commercial in history.

honda cog ad


So here are our three favourites, let’s hear about your best car TV ads.

World Class Concours Comes To Australia

Australia is about to host two prestigious World-Class concours events, one in Sydney and one in Melbourne, and Private Fleet has ten family passes to give away to each event.

The first event will be held in Sydney on 10th October 2010.


Sydney is set to host one of the World’s great motoring events on 10/10/10 in the elegantly landscaped grounds of the St. Patrick’s Estate overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Manly.

Well over $75m worth of exotic cars and motorcycles will be on display for public viewing and nearly fifty cars are already entered in the Concours D’Elegance competition.

These are not ordinary cars, and this is not an ordinary motor display. Some of the rarest makes and most historically significant machinery will be on display, vying for the ‘Best Of Show’ award.

Such exotic makes as Bugatti, Hispano Suiza, Facel Vega and less well known (Mitchell, Henderson, Stutz,to name a few) will be displayed alongside a fabulous display of Ferraris, Maseratis, Jaguars, Rolls Royce, Mercedes, Alfa Romeos, Aston Martins and many more.

For the motor cycle enthusiast there will be over 50 very rare examples spanning nearly a hundred years, some of which have not been on display-ever!

This is not just a show for ‘petrol heads’. Anyone who can appreciate fine art, beauty and exotica will be enthralled. The ladies will be entertained with ‘Fashions in the Field’ and a ladies beauty tent, there will be a new car unveiling, a restorers feature and a food and beverage tent.

If you’d like to go, the tickets are $55 per head at the gate, or the first ten Private Fleet Newsletter readers to identify this car  :-

will be given family passes (2 adults and 2 children) free.

Simply click on ‘Comments’ at the end of this article, fill in the details as requested, type in “Sydney” then the make of the car above, and if you are one of the first ten we’ll be in contact and the tickets will be winging their way to you.

If you’d like to learn more about this show


Hot on the heels of the Sydney event Melbourne will be hosting its own exotic and classic car extravaganza at the fabled Royal Exhibition Building just two weeks later.It will be a multiple event, including a classic car tour through the Victorian countryside, a classic car show and a Concours D’Elegance, plus an exotica auction.

Private Fleet also has ten family passes to give away to this event with the compliments of the organizers, so if you would like to visit this innovative exhibition then read on.

Your tickets will enable you to visit the Car Show and Concours D’Elegance and you’ll also be entitled to attend the Shannons MotorClassica Auction at the Royal Exhibition Building in Carlton.

Here’s a foretaste of some of the remarkable and notable cars that will be displayed at MotorClassica:-

Steve McQueen was not only an iconic actor but he was also a very successful racing driver.

MotorClassica will be displaying his very own Ferrari 250 GTO NART Spyder.

Peter Sellers was well known as a car enthusiast, and one of his most exotic cars, a Maserati Mistral Spyder, which he acquired for his wife, Britt Eckland will be on display.

Also featured will be a 1912 Rolls Royce Silver Ghost, a massive Daimler Double Six Limousine, Sir Stirling Moss’ own Porsche and much much more.  Sir Stirling  will be there in person and will be an honorary Concours judge at this fabulous show.

Entry to the Display and Concours costs $20 for Adults and $15 for children under 15. But we’ve got ten family passes (2 adults, 2 children) to give away to Private Fleet Newsletter readers.

All you have to do is to identify the make of car that will be on show below –

Once you’ve worked out what make of car this is click on the ‘comments’ button below fill in your contact details, type in ‘Melbourne” then the make of car. We’ll contact you if you are one of the first ten correct entries.

If you would like to make a comment on the motoring extravaganza the please let us know what you think in the comments section…

If you do go to either show, why not come back to this blog and tell us what you thought?

Keep Left…Unless Overtaking

On a recent trip to the UK, I couldn’t help but notice how major roads (including motorways) fared better with increased traffic volumes than here in Australia.  It wasn’t perfect by any means but it definitely seemed that in moderate to high traffic volumes, the traffic moved more smoothly and quicker than over here.

I’m pretty sure the reason is at least partly to do with the following:

In the UK, all drivers keep to the left lane where possible.

In Australia, this road rule is just ignored.

What this effectively does is turn a 3-lane freeway into a two-lane freeway.  It also encourages driver’s to undertake which is not ideal for a free-flowing traffic.  In an ideal world, the left hand lane should be the busiest with the middle lane less freqented and the outside lane rarely used (yes even in high traffic situations!).  However in Australia, the left hand lane seems to be reserved for trucks, caravans and old bangers.  The average driver seems to use the middle lane as the default, leaving the ‘slow lane’ for the speed-challenged drivers.

Keep Left Unless Overtaking

It’s not clear why this is done when there are signs on every freeway stating ‘Keep Left Unless Overtaking”. 

Perhaps it’s a perceived safety issue.  A clear lane on either side gives the driver a little more distance between the car and potential threats such as trees or the median strip.  I’d argue however that being aware of cars on both the left and right sides is much more dangerous than just worrying about the one side if you were indeed keeping left.

I think the most likely reason is because so many people do it, you might be disadvantaged if you do tow the line and do keep left unless overtaking.  For example, if you come up to a slow truck, the busy middle lane might trap you in the left hand lane behind the truck unable to overtake.  So best to keep in the middle, that way you keep options open on either side?  this means you’re forced to break a law which negatively affects traffic simply because so many other people do it.  It’s s problem that’s created by the problem itself.

The solution lies in education and regulation.  We need:

1) Fines for people who hog the middle lane (have you ever met anybody who’s copped one of these fines?  It’s a hard one to enforce admittedly but surely we can do better)

2) Education that the middle lane is not the default and the left hand lane is not the ‘slow lane’

Think about how much money we’d save if, rather than spending billions on new roads and widening of freeways, we just learnt to make the most of our existing network by encouraging more ‘efficient’ driving.  Not to mention the increased safety.

What do you think?  Is this a real issue?  Would it make a difference or am I just a typical driver getting my own personal ‘pet hate’ off my chest?

Kia Ad – Grandmaster Flash

It’s like a jungle, sometimes it makes me wonder. How I keep from going under…

Don’t normally comment on car advertising but probably should do a little bit more because there are some weird and wonderful ads out there.  Some car ads have been shockers but some are very memorable.  Other just hit the spot for some reason.  Probably not surprising when you consider the amount of money car makers pour into TV adverts, there’s going to be plenty of notable hits and misses.

I reckon the latest Kia ad for the Sportage is a ripper.  The tune is as catchy as you can get and I reckon Kia have zeroed in perfectly on the Sportage’s target market  – that 30-ish age bracket or perhaps it’s being even more precise and targeting new families? (maybe that’s why I like it so much!)

At any rate, it’s a great step forward for Kia who have at time struggled with their image – certainly is as far as the coolness scale goes.  Anyway, have a watch below and I challenge you not to utter or hum the following for the rest of the day… “Don’t push me cos I’m close to the edddgge…”

Close to the edge

Kia Sportage Rap Ad

Watch the Kia Ad here!

Let us know what you think about the ad in the comments below!

Note:  The song was originally released in the early 80’s by GrandMaster Flash and the Furious Five.  Entitled ‘The Message’ it was a defining moment in hip hop and rap.