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Private Fleet 2013 Driving Survey

2013 Private Fleet Driving Survey

Following on from the success of our previous driving surveys, Private Fleet has once again quizzed Australian drivers from across the country to get a real sense of the current issues motorists are experiencing.

Traffic Jam

Some 3500 respondents participated in the anonymous survey- which identifies participants by gender, state, income, car and driving history- and the results are enlightening; some adding strength to old adages, others shattering them into oblivion. For example:

Money doesn’t buy happiness: Respondents earning over $200,000 per year are 60 per cent more likely to get angry behind the wheel than those on under $40,000.

Texting and driving: 58 per cent of 26-40 year olds admit to texting while driving, making them more likely to offend than the 18-25 bracket (51 per cent). Only 2 per cent of those over 75 years of age text and drive.

At-fault accidents: While 35 per cent of respondents reported an accident in the last three years, only 17 per cent admitted fault for a minor incident…that number dropped to only 4 per cent when admitting fault in a serious accident where police were called.

Women Drivers: Sorry ladies, after carefully analysing 2403 responses from men and 988 responses from women, it appears that women are actually around 40% more likely to be involved in an accident per kilometre driven.

Additionally some 1980 respondents added commentary on the standards of driving in Australia and our worst offenders. From Holden drivers’ aggression through to ‘distracted’ P-Platers, through to the age-old argument of undertaking versus those hogging the right lane, the comments have sparked no end of debate.

The true beauty of the Private Fleet Driving Survey lies in its interactivity. We invite you to peruse the results yourself, combine them how you want and create your own conclusions…with around 55 million possible combinations, we are sure there are many intriguing results to be discovered, so make sure you share your findings!


  1. Anton Goodrick says:

    Not too much mentiond on doing actual driver education/trainingor or advanced driver training.
    The insurance companies seem rather reticent to condone efforts to insure better drivers in a practical sense with driver discounts for Advanced driver courses and other safety training and car equipment. They need to study their accident/claims state to clarify their position – but no doubt they will NOT.
    With trained drivers [those who have some idea what is going to happen to the car because of what they are doing or not doing] there is a greater awareness of driving to conditions even the aged drivere.
    The medical conditions for driving are a mess with the courts not providing any substance towards – one only needs to look at the local shopping centres !

    May 22nd, 2013 at 12:50 pm

  2. Phil Donoghoe says:

    Lacking Courtesy, Tailgaters, Lane discipline, appear to be the prominent faults, I would commend the use of Care, Courtesy and Common Sense be applied when driving regardless of experience, race or domiciliary.

    May 22nd, 2013 at 2:01 pm

  3. Tim says:


    As the Late Peter Wherrett once said, “Australians are the only drivers in the world who let their cars take them for a drive”.

    My only contribution to the debate is that there are far too many drivers who believe that the road rules are nothing more than mere suggestions aimed at everybody but them.


    May 22nd, 2013 at 2:39 pm

  4. Kit says:

    The best deterrent for people who use their mobiles while driving is to confiscate their mobiles! Imagine how inconvenient that would be. We should try this,

    May 22nd, 2013 at 8:34 pm

  5. DaveH says:

    Your article mentions “While 35 per cent of respondents reported an accident in the last three years, only 17 per cent admitted fault for a minor incident” suggesting that people were not owning up to being at fault but when you take out those who did not report having had an accident from the “at fault” statistics, the proportion of those that actually had an accident who admitted fault is about 48.5% which is what you expect.

    May 23rd, 2013 at 9:37 am

  6. John L says:

    Little attention is paid in these surveys to traffic engineers and the frustrations which their incompetencies generate. Frustrations lead to accidents.
    An overseas visit to study traffic flows in other cities (Anchorage, Alaska is a good example) would open their eyes to possibilities. Even fourth world cites like Yangon in Myanmar have ideas to be absorbed.
    Ask yourself why it is that traffic engineers cannot coordinate a succession of green lights at intersections along major arteries such as James Ruse Drive in Parramatta, along St Kilda Rd in Melbourne, along Leach Highway in Perth. It cannot be harder than to pitch an appropriate speed for the prevailing conditions of the area and coordinate the green lights accordingly. Let the minor intersecting roads fit in with the flow of the major road.
    To any traffic engineer reading these comments: where is the spirit of, and the satisfaction from, excellence in your profession ?

    May 23rd, 2013 at 11:15 am

  7. Andrew R says:

    I am suprised that Commercial Van drivers did not figure more.
    I would have nominated them for the worst.

    May 28th, 2013 at 11:32 am