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Australia’s Best New Car News, Reviews and Buying Advice

Ten Fuel Saving Hints

Any ideas that can help save you fuel are worth considering.

We’ve assembled ten of them, some obvious, others less so.

Here are our top ten.

1. Buy on the right day of the week.


Don’t buy ethanol added fuel.

3. Pump up your tyres

4. Slow down

5. Keep a clean air filter

6. Idling your engine costs fuel – the 60 secs. bench mark.

7. Turn off the aircon.

8. Maintain your car.

9. Proper start up procedure.

10. Buy a fuel efficient car.

For the full story on fuel saving ideas click here.

Have you any other hints that you’d to comment on?


  1. Paul Le Ceve says:

    Hi There

    Must say I really enjoy your news letter and look forward to its arrival each month.
    I would like to suggest another fuel saving tip….dont brake harshly, letting your engine and gear box do the work for you uses less fuel.

    Cheers Paul.

    January 12th, 2010 at 4:57 pm

  2. Антон Павлович says:

    2. Don’t buy ethanol added fuel.
    3. Pump up your tyres
    4. Slow down
    5. Keep a clean air filter
    6. Idling your engine costs fuel – the […….

    Вы допускаете ошибку. Пишите мне в PM, обсудим….

    March 22nd, 2010 at 11:54 pm

  3. Lee Noonan says:

    Hi Paul,
    I used to do that all the time…. until My Son told Me that brakes are much cheaper to replace than a gearbox…

    Air Conditioning is a must with temperatures over 33C in the country..
    as the inside temperature of a car can be over 40C
    and when it gets over 35C even in a white car, its very uncomfortable in an UN air conditioned car… Fine.. IF You live near the ocean… but, many of Us don’t…

    You can cross OFF NON Ethanol petrol….
    as the NSW government has made it mandatory for normal Unleaded to have up to 10% ethanol… This has already taken place in New service stations in the country.
    The LARGE -May contain Ethanol- stickers have been replaced by very small stickers .. so, We won’t notice… the petrol pumps are named 91 – 95 – 98 RON

    so, If You don’t want ethanol… You will be paying for Premium Fuel… 95 or 98 RON.


    April 20th, 2010 at 4:21 pm