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The Truth About Biofuels and Human Waste

If you fell for our April Fool’s post with the phoney press release about a Swedish company using urine as a biofuels, you can be forgiven for falling for it. The truth is actually not that far away.

There has been much (genuine!) excitement in the motoring world about biodiesel produced from algae, as this reduces dependency on limited supplies of fossil fuel and looks to a renewable resource. Some microorganisms produce oils within them that are suitable for use as a feedstock for producing biodiesel. These algae, which include the very common Chlorella, are able to use otherwise non-productive land and rather dubious water, which solves the biggest problem with other sources of biofuels: the crops grown for biofuels, such as corn or jatropha, often compete for good soil and water with food crops, which could cause problems for world food supplies. Algae, however, can be grown in open ponds, which can be built on otherwise useless land and can use wastewater or seawater.

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Biofuel Breakthrough – the 1411-P

The Swedish research company Løøflirpa announced a startling new breakthrough in biofuels: a car engine that runs on urine. “It’s unbelievable,” said Løøflirpa spokesperson Avril d’Poisson. “This could change the way we fill up our cars forever.”

The breakthrough was made by researcher Tonto Necio. “It was just serendipity. One of my laboratory assistants, Majkat Jokaar, had been working a long shift and was obviously getting rather desperate, so he made use of a handy glass beaker, as he was in the middle of controlling a chemical reaction that couldn’t be left unattended for more than a few seconds. Later, we were testing different types of biofuels in our new engine design and didn’t realise what was in that particular beaker. The engine ran reasonably well with the contents of that beaker – better than some of the other alternative biofuels we had tried – and we were astonished when Majkat confessed what was in the beaker.”

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WOW! 20% Off a New Car- you gotta believe it.

Every so often a ‘deal of a lifetime’ comes across our desk. But, to be truthful, we’ve never had a deal like this before!

If you are thinking about buying a new BMW just have a look at this deal- it’s almost unbelievable, but true.

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Only in America – the Driverless Car.

Writers and filmmakers have always dreamed about cars that drive themselves – take Herbie, for example. Now scientists are getting in on the act and GM has come up with a “driverless car” – a car that really drives itself in much the same way that a UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) flies without a pilot.

Yes, you did read that right. GM have made a car that doesn’t need a driver. What’s more, the head of the driverless car project at General Motors, Raj Rajkumar, sounds pretty confident that this vehicle will be on our roads by 2015. So far, GM have managed to create a prototype, based on a Chevrolet Tahoe, that has been photographed whizzing around a test track. And they’ve taken it beyond the test track, apparently. This highly modified Chevy (it’s got a whole heap of gadgetry stuck on the roof) has been driven (or, more correctly, has driven itself) along public roads in California and managed to cross the Golden Gate Bridge without any untoward incidents.

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