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The rise and rise of fuel prices

It may have come to your notice as it has mine; but what is with the price of fuel?

Petrol prices have moved into record territory and it seems that it is not likely to ease anytime soon. This leaves us wondering what is driving the price of petrol/fuels generally and will it ever start coming down again with Australia’s current booming dollar value?

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More on the 2010 Sales Numbers

With month one having flown by and the first sales figures of 2011 available today for scrutiny, showing a 1.7% decrease compared to January 2010, I thought it was time to take another look at our million plus effort from 2010.

The motoring industry had a great year in overall sales even with all of the international pressures of GFC aftermath. Good new to manufacturs who have failed dismally elsewhere in the world. The new vehicle market had a rise in sales of 10.5% (98,246 vehicles) over 2009 figures. The total figure of vehicles sold in 2010 was 1,035,574 which is very decent considering our small population base.

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Great New TV Ads

A few months ago we listed our all time car TV ad favourites. It seems that many agrred with us, though some had other ideas. We’ve just come across two new car ads from Europe that we thought were great fun.

The first one is for Volkswagen, and the message is ‘no matter how harshly you treat a vee-dub it can take the punishment’. A great and very funny way  to make the point here.

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Crash For Clunkers

As predicted, the ‘Cash for Clunkers’ Julia Gillard initiative announced prior to the last election has finally crashed out of political contention. The Gillard Government announced today that it was to be abandoned due the the budgetry restraints imposed by the cost impositions from the Queensland flood disasters.

This is by no means unexpected as many criticised the initiative when it was first announced as being ineffective and a highly priced way of improving the environment.

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