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American Gardners Wrest Back World Record-For Lawnmowers!

Remember last May we posted a note saying that the Brits were attempting to regain the World Record for lawnmowers by breaking the hundred mile an hour barrier? Well, they did and they didn’t. They did get back the World Record, but they didn’t break 100 mph ( 160 kph).

Anyway these oddballs are at it again because America has now regained the World Record at Bonneville Flats with a run of 96 mph.

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To GPS or not to GPS?

Getting guidance in life is an important aspect of getting through life’s hurdles.  Sometimes, one of life’s hurdles can be getting across town the best way, in the best time and on time.  Global Positioning Systems are set up for helping us not to feel bewildered and lost.  They offer guidance as to the best route to take from A to B, and they also tell you where in the world you are.

I like to know where I am.  One of the features of the GPS system is to reveal information, using a map, of where your whereabouts actually is.  Knowing where you are is so important.  When you are cooped up in a city maze, not knowing the people, not recognising the buildings and – “for crying out loud” – having to decide whether to take the next turn on the move is sometimes a little bit too much of a headache.  Having a car that is equipped with GPS is certainly a blessing in situations like these. 

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Australia Isn’t A Pink Car Nation – It’s A Black And White Issue

They used to say that a good horse is never a bad colour.  The same probably also applies to cars – or does it?  While a car’s colour doesn’t really affect its performance or handling, colour certainly has a psychological effect on the buyer and the beholder, and it can also affect safety.  It might even affect the price of the car, in the case of second-hand vehicles, especially.  And if you’re buying a new car, you tend to get a choice of colour, so it pays to be informed!

White:  This is one of the most common car colours on the road, and with good reason.  Roads tend to be black, so a white car stands out more and can be seen easily.  It can even be seen during difficult light conditions, such as dusk (not so good in fog or in a blizzard, though).  From a safety perspective, white makes sense, which is why most car makes and models include a white version.  However, white 4x4s that are going to be used off road are less popular, as white shows every bit of dirt.  White also makes a good “canvas” for company logos, so it is also a good choice for commercial fleets.  If you’re buying a car with practicality uppermost in your mind or safety uppermost, then white makes a good choice.  However, because it’s common, white can be seen as a little bland and boring.

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Are Electric Cars Good for the Environment?

As a reasonable human being I do believe in the need to conserve our natural resources – especially Australia, as we actually still have some. I am sure the movie, “The Day the War Started” has a lot to be said for the world’s need to change its ways. Who wouldn’t want to invade our great land for its resources (something to think about when the new Military budget is handed out!)?

But the electric car is not the way. The cost of the infrastructure alone in a country this small in population and massive in size is overwhelming. Even if it was cost effective, the current range of an electric car is about 200 klms, if driven carefully, so it really does not stack up.

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