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Australia’s Best New Car News, Reviews and Buying Advice

Most economical medium-sized cars in Australia.

Not so long ago, I had lots of fun working out Aussie’s most economical cars, and now I thought I’d tackle the mid-sized car bracket. 

Generally, if you have a small family, a medium-sized new car will fit the bill best.  You don’t want something that struggles to cope with the kids and luggage, yet you probably don’t want to run to the expense of paying for the extra gas that bigger, thirstier cars always require.  The following mid-sized motorcars are available in Australia and are the more economical vehicles in their class – sometimes by a big margin.  Again, I have used info from the Wheels magazine.

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Automotive Myth Busters!

Perhaps you’ve just taken part in our interactive myth-busting quiz?  If so, how did you do?  If you haven’t yet, STOP, don’t ready any further  – take part in the MythBuster Quiz and then come back to this page for the breakdown.

Let’s run through the questions and answers below along with some often surprising background to the results.  We’d also love to hear some of your automotive myths so please let us know in the comments section below!

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Two-Wheel, Four-Wheel or…. One-Wheel Drive?

Buyers of new cars often weigh up the merits of two-wheel-drive vehicles, full-time four-wheel-drive vehicles and part-time four-wheel-drive vehicles (substitute all-wheel drive if you prefer in this last one). While this article won’t help you decide on which one, it might make you grateful that there isn’t another choice knocking about (or at least give you a good laugh). At one stage, inventors were toying with the idea of the one-wheel drive and considerable work was done in this in the University of Berkley in (you guessed it) the USA.

The one-wheel drive wasn’t some weird gizmo that had a drive train powering only one wheel while the other three sat there doing nothing. Instead, it was an even weirder gizmo that had just one wheel, with the motor and the driver (no room for passengers) balanced around the sides of the wheel, with the idea that the weight of the driver would counterbalance the weight of the motor (depends on the driver, I guess – some are heavier than others). The wheel itself was a large tractor-type tyre, so at least the thing could stand up by itself. It was intended as an all-terrain vehicle, presumably on the idea that one tyre takes up less space and can therefore go places that four wheels can’t.

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Road Rage. Avoid it or fall for it?

The purpose of any trip into the abyss of the Peak Hour traffic is to in fact arrive, hopefully safely and with a little more to give over the next 12 hours of your day, than a sad regurgitation of your trip around the water cooler.

So why do so many of us arrive so angry?

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