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Trade-in Valuations

We have professional car valuers ready to inspect vehicles for an accurate trade-in value in all the major centres from Queensland down to Victoria. Outside of these areas, we are able to use the principal valuer in one of our associated dealers who will deliver a professional inspection report back to our head office for trade-in valuation purposes.

Armed with this information, we are able to use our extensive automotive contacts to find you the best wholesale price (ie trade-in price) possible for your current vehicle. By not limiting ourselves to the supplying dealer for the new car, we are generally able to acquire a significantly higher price on your current vehicle as well as a fleet discount on the new.


However remember that trading-in your car will invariably yield less money than if you were to sell privately. After all wholesalers (the people who will ultimately purchase your trade-in) are there to make money so must buy it cheaper than its retail value. When considering trading in, it’s a question of weighing up the convenience against the $$$ value.

Whilst trade-in car valuations are important, remember that there is only one figure that matters when you are disposing of your current car and buying a new one.  That number is “Changeover” – the new car purchase price less discount and the trade-in valuation of your current car.  Try to keep things simple – if you are trading in, just concentrate on getting the best possible changeover figure.

As always please feel free to contact our friendly consultants on 1300 303 181 to discuss your options with car valuations.