When disposing of your current vehicle there are a few options to consider :
Each of the first three options has positives and negatives associated with it – convenience, ready access to funds, sales price achieved etc. We have designed our Sales Help Program to combine the positive aspects of all options.
For vehicles under 8 years old and valued at over $25,000 we are able to physically take possession of the vehicle and sell it privately on our customer’s behalf. All the worry and hassle usually encountered when placing adverts in the media (weekends spent waiting for potential buyers who don’t even turn up, dealing with dealer calls etc etc.) is transferred to Private Fleet who will use professional sales staff to achieve a private sale price with the convenience of a wholesale purchase.
Our service fee is only charged upon successful private sale. You dictate the minimum sale price, advertising budget and length of contract and we do the rest. You’d use a real estate agency to sell your family home, so why wouldn’t you do the same for your second most valuable asset?